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Med Sailing Holidays’ Yoga Retreat is for the tired mind and body

Turbo Graduate

We’re quite fond to know that people are turning on a new leash. No matter how busy they are, they now find time to take time out and break a sweat once in a while. Their lifestyle, which was then passive, is now active: a process that makes them more confident, fit, and wakes up with a positive vision to surge on ahead.

It doesn’t matter what they do, the important thing is that people realize how important it is to exercise. Whether they’re hitting the gym three times a day, playing a round of pickup basketball, practicing yoga in their living room or doing some simple calisthenics, it’s the sweat that counts. Every drop will reduce the risk of certain illnesses, and adds a step towards a healthier way of life.

At some point however, you might want to have a quick getaway. Aside from being physically fit, our bodies also need to take a breather; it can only do so much to keep us going. Sooner or later, we will feel the toll of working too much, plus the stress it entails. It builds tension that resonates through the entire system. If we’re not careful, our bodies will force itself to shut down, and we all know where that’s going.

On a more positive note, there are a number of things that you can do if you want to relax while staying fit at the same time. Sailing outfits and cruise companies offer a holiday paired with health and wellness benefits like yoga. Med Sailing HolidaysYoga Sailing package is a seven-day, seven-night escape that will transport you to the stunning expanse of Croatia. The country has a number of surprises for you and for your guests: exotic beaches, calm weather, welcoming atmosphere, beautiful architecture, and gastronomic delights. You name it and Croatia will have something for you.

Fitness wise, Yoga Sailing Holidays will tap a certified yoga instructor that will accompany you for the duration of the cruise. Expect early morning yoga sessions with some of Croatia’s epic natural treasures as inspiration for a more storied meditation. Your hostess will also prepare fresh and healthy servings every day to accentuate your diet, while the skipper will be ready to give your sailing lessons should you wish to navigate your private yacht across the Dalmatian Sea.

There’s always room to stay fit and active while you’re on vacation. Yoga may be a peaceful art of meditation to yoke body, mind and spirit, but its stretches and intricate positions make it a strenuous exercise that will make you sweat and burn those unwanted calories. Cruising on the other hand eases the weary body and unwinds the inner self. Take both and you have a vacation that will reinvigorate you from head to toe.

Med Sailing Holiday is perfect for yogis and their family. Together, they can be at awe in the wonders of Croatia while enjoying each other’s company. It’s a family affair that comes with the welfares of traveling, bonding and yoga.

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